Living Faith Ministries
Promoting Spiritual & Societal Growth in Men Re-Entering Society After Incarceration Help Us GrowGrowing Men Daily
Living Faith Discipleship Ministry is a Christ-centered men’s residential prison aftercare program. Upon release from prison, men arrive at Living Faith Ministry to find a safe, encouraging, structured environment, where they have the opportunity to develop a mature walk with Christ.
About Our Ministry
Our goal is to provide guidance, companionship and mentoring to those transitioning from incarceration or rehabilitation back into society. As a Christ-based, inter-denominational organization, we aim to nurture the souls of the individuals who need us, regardless of past decisions.
Living Faith Sober Living
Living Faith Sober Living exists to help men who are working actively on their sobriety with Christian influence.
Consider partnering with Living Faith Discipleship Ministries.
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Tuesday Night Worship
We open our doors every Tuesday night at 6:30 PM for a weekly worship service. All are welcome to this night of fellowship, with a life-giving message from ministers or special guests and inspiring worship. Each Tuesday Night ends with a prayer circle where everyone joins together and prayers for various needs.
Mission & Vision
We believe that man is created in God’s own image and, therefore, is not defined by his mistakes.
Whether an individual needs help due to past or present difficult circumstances, living faith discipleship believes they deserve the assistance they need. At Living Faith, men are assisted with educational opportunities, transportation needs, employment searches, money management, and career development.
Each man has his own private living quarters, while the kitchen, dining, television and recreation rooms are shared, creating more of a family atmosphere. Living Faith Discipleship Ministry offers a pathway for those seeking change through the guidance of Christ-based principles.
Guided by God’s Word
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:2